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29 Reading Books in English 매일 영어 원서 읽기 Reading Books in English 매일 영어 원서 읽기   My 10-year-old daughter doesn't attend an English academy. Instead, I teach her myself. Up until now, w... DollShe 2024.12.31
28 Pro Gamer Faker 프로게이머 페이커 선수 2024/12/30 Pro Gamer Faker 프로게이머 페이커 선수 Faker is a professional gamer specializing in "League of Legends" as a member of a Korean professiona... DollShe 2024.12.30
27 Auditor 심사원 Auditor 심사원 I work as an auditor. I use the term "auditor" in English, but unlike regular accountant, I don't verify companies' financial statement... DollShe 2024.12.27
26 Leasing Real Estate 부동산 임대업 2024/12/20 Leasing Real Estate 부동산 임대업   I am a 30-something woman working in real estate rental. I own a small building, which provides me with... DollShe 2024.12.20
25 The Problem with Golf Courses 골프장의 문제점 The Problem with Golf Courses 골프장의 문제점 Golf has gained popularity recently, becoming a common hobby among people my age. However, golf courses ... DollShe 2024.12.19
24 Damaged Passport 찢어진 여권 Damaged Passport 찢어진 여권 These days, it seems like more families take advantage of the long weekends around holidays to go on trips abroad. I was ... DollShe 2024.12.18
23 Heating Bills 난방비 폭탄 Heating Bills 난방비 폭탄 I stay with my parents during vacations, which means I leave my studio apartment empty. A little while before the last vacat... DollShe 2024.12.13
22 Spouses and Allies 비로소 아군이 된 우리 부부 Spouses and Allies 비로소 아군이 된 우리 부부   The year before last, my son and two daughters finally graduated (from) college. But their way of thin... DollShe 2024.12.12
21 Egg Enthusiast 달걀 사랑 Egg Enthusiast 달걀 사랑 Egg dishes are a daily staple on our family's menu. We prepare them in various ways-rolled omelets, fried eggs, boiled eggs, ... DollShe 2024.12.11
20 Han Kang Wins 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature Han Kang Wins 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature 한강, 2024년 노벨 문학상 수상   * Part1 South Korean author Han Kang has been awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize... DollShe 2024.12.10
19 Having Twins 쌍둥이 출산 Having Twins 쌍둥이 출산   I am a mother of three boys: my eldest son and two younger twins. I remember being bowled over the day I had my ultrasound ... DollShe 2024.12.10
18 That could really help you save some money 그럼 돈을 모으는 데 정말 도움이 될 수도 있겠다. Easy English Dialogue ​ Sally : I'm thinking about moving back in with my parents. 샐리 : 나 다시 부모님 집으로 들어갈까 생각 중이야. * move back in wi... DollShe 2024.12.06
17 Lunchtime 점심 시간 2024/12/06 Lunchtime 점심 시간 If there's one sweet moment in a working person's day, it would have to be lunchtime. Many workers briefly have trouble... DollShe 2024.12.06
16 A Trip with My Dog 반려견과 1박 2일 여행 A Trip with My Dog 반려견과 1박 2일 여행   Our family lives with a two-year-old Bichon named Ari. Ari loves people, is filled with energy, and likes t... DollShe 2024.12.05
15 Subscription Services 구독 서비스 중독 Subscription Services 구독 서비스 중독 In the past, "subscriptions" usually meant regular subscriptions to newspapers. and magazines. But the meaning ... DollShe 2024.12.03
14 Audiobook Trip 오디오북 여행 Audiobook Trip 오디오북 여행   I am a working mom raising three young children while holding down a job. I used to enjoy reading paper books, but as I... DollShe 2024.12.02
13 Cleaning My Daughter's Closet 딸의 옷장 정리   2024/11/29 Cleaning My Daughter's Closet 딸의 옷장 정리   The sweltering heat of summer felt like it would never end, but now fall has almost passed... DollShe 2024.11.29
12 Job Transfers 인사이동 2024/11/28 Job Transfers 인사이동 At our company, there are personnel transfers twice a year, in January and July. Not every employee is subject to the... DollShe 2024.11.28
11 Fintech Technologies for Overseas Travel 해외여행을 편리하게 해 주는 핀테크 기술 2024/11/27 Fintech Technologies for Overseas Travel 해외여행을 편리하게 해 주는 핀테크 기술 Exchanging currency is one of the items on anyone's to-do l... DollShe 2024.11.27
10 Past Videos of “입트영” Hosts '입트영' 선생님들의 과거 영상 2024/11/26 Past Videos of “입트영” Hosts '입트영' 선생님들의 과거 영상 I majored in English at university. But since my current job isn't related to En... DollShe 2024.11.26
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